Have you ever dreamed of traveling? Where was your first international destination? Before I was able to do so financially, I dreamt for years of going to Paris. What sealed it for me was after I saw the movie “Amelie”. A single girl living her life, accordion music, old architecture, popping in somewhere quickly to down a glass of wine. All of the streets to explore, all the food to try, the gorgeous language. I couldn’t wait to experience the people myself. It just seemed like the perfect city for me for my first European travel. I saved my money, (it took years) and I booked my ticket for October of 2014 for about 10 days. And, I went alone because I had to, to prove to myself that I could walk around this world and be safe and I was, that I could be autonomous, and do what I wanted when I wanted. It showed me how capable I am, how lovely human beings can be, how helpful and hilarious, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I won’t lie to you, I had a few crying jags. I was mentally exhausted after a week of thinking in English and working so hard for those thoughts to come out of my mouth in French so I cried. And then I went out and had one of the best meals of my stay.
My first venture out I got lost and picked a small bistro to get my bearings and eat something since I was starving. This sweet establishment had the kindest waitress that spoke English with me which I needed in that moment of jetlag and exhaustion. I really appreciated her thoughtfulness. She told me how much she loved her job because she got to meet people from all over the world, nice people like me. That touched my heart so much I still think about her and I hope she is doing well. I can’t find the name of this place which has driven me crazy all these years. However, I did think to snap a photo before I devored everything and this is what I ordered:
charcuterie, wine, and a respite

My first French meal, a nice charcuterie board with four cheeses, four meats, cornishon, baguette, greens, and yes, a slab of butter. That round cheese was super skunky and I had a hard time downing it. My red wine went very well with everything. Delicious.
After I left this cozy place, I wandered around trying to find my street and thoroughly enjoying the process. As I snapped photos I found a restaurant I made sure to remember for another meal during my stay. The calm din of French voices filled every corner on my walk. Peaceful, relaxing. People enjoying the night air with drinks and food and their friends. I thought, why don’t we do this in the US? These pics were taken somewhere on Rue Montorgueil.

From this angle you can see how shiny the stones are in their various patterns. When I turned around, this beautiful store window greeted me:

I think that is candied fruit on the middle half circles. Yum. I did not shop here. I wish I had.
The variety of cheeses made me say, “Wow”, out loud. I wish I had tried more kinds, but my focus was visiting museums and just enjoying whatever I came across. The entire city is an undiscovered treasure to me and I can go back again and again.

Eating in after a full day at the Louvre: leftover meats and cheese with a fresh baguette and Bordeaux. I gave up trying to eat the stinky one and let it go. I still feel a little guilty about wasting food in Paris, but when I remember how funky the smell was, I’m good. 😀
the glorious croque monsieur
After Mass at Notre Dame,I ordered this cheese covered glory with ‘un cafe’, grabbed a table outside and devoured this exquisite sandwich. I swear, I was the only person eating on the entire street. I’ve made these at home and there is nothing like melted, crunchy cheese on the outside of your American “grilled cheese”. Monsieur Croque, je taime. 🙂 Recipe here: Easy, Cheesy Croque Monsieur Recipe | Jacques Pepin

The author enjoying her first cheesy Croque Monsieur.
It has taken me nine years to share my Paris trip with anyone. In 2024, I promise myself I will spend time in the past looking at, creating art from, and remembering as many wonderful experiences as I can to share with you. I hope it gives you some dreams you would like to make come true, too. You can go anywhere and do anything you set your mind to. I’m living proof. Until next time, keep dreaming. xo

One of my last evenings in Paris at the Eiffel Tower. I didn’t know it was painted brown until I got close to it. The night time light show is insane.