An Ocean of Reactions and Judgments
Red, ferocious anger blob blob blob. Too much going on. Too much to process. Dopamine addict. What’s next?
What’s next? New!! New!! Shock me!! Piss me off. Swim around scroll scroll scroll. Swipe. Like. Heart. Tweet. It NEVER ends. There is so much I’m angry about So. Much. So much that I can’t do anything about. So much that has nothing to do with me.
The Ocean of Occurrences is too vast to process. Too much water to swim through. Why do I dive in? I’m curious. I see Fish of Hatred. Eels of Judgment. Sharks of Crime dart around. Show me quick glimpses of things that happen. I don’t even need the full story. Then, I react. Then, I feel depleted. WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF? It feels like the world is going to hell in a handbasket and we are all going down with the ship.
the red blob devouring my dopamine mind

So, I stop looking beneath the water level, put on my life jacket and tell myself every is fine. And I paint the blob. And I write these words.
Shocking things, gossipy things, political things. I’m sharing what’s in there, inside me. Can you stop your own Dopamine scroll to really read and see what I’m doing? Will you? Join me onboard. Let’s sit in the breeze with the sun kissing our hair and be amazed at the open blue.
xo -Ang