End the Filibuster Sticker


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flower sticker 70s colors end the filibuster mauve background yoder

*UPDATE: New Bipartisan Gun Safety Bill Passed into Law! 23JUN22. Now let’s End the Filibuster for Reproductive Rights! Codify Roe Vs. Wade. Call Your Senator! Stick it to ’em!

I just can’t anymore; I’ve had it with the gun violence in this country. I had enough after Columbine, 22 years ago! This design came to me after the Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas shootings. NO ONE NEEDS AN AR-15!!!! Call your Senator. Keep the pressure up to end the Filibuster and give the balance of power back to the body of Congress. It’s way past time. For Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for everyone. Now.

*UPDATE: 25% of the profits of the sale of this design will go to Planned Parenthood. You say what state. 25% of the profits of the sale of this design will be divided between the communities of Buffalo and Uvalde. Specifically to the Buffalo 5/14 Survivors Fund and the OneStar Foundation for the Robb School Memorial Fund.

Printing by Sticker Mule. Easy peel back for sticking to your favorite surfaces.

Free shipping.

Size: 3″ x 3″