A Letter to a New Friend

There is a new friend in the forest. She lives in a village too far away to walk to, in a little cottage. She likes to cook and notices the little things as she walks through the landscape. We haven’t met personally, but she seems very nice and, like many of us, has a few mysteries in her story she is trying to uncover. Her name is Sonya and her digital home is here: http://impressionalmagic.com. I wrote her a letter because I love pen pals and I am hoping we can be. Have you ever had one?

Dear Sonya, October 21

I went into town today. It was on the quiet side, which surprised me. I bought a few apples and thought of you, as I know you love to bake apple pies this time of year. There was a cat sitting in a doorway and when I went over to it, it said ‘hello’ and let me scratch its head. I don’t know if I told you that I lost my kitty and miss her terribly. I wish you could have met her. Her name was Aurora de la Chance, my Aurora Borealis of the Second Chance. We rescued her. She rescued us. Let’s be honest.

I hope this note finds you well. Maybe we can have coffee or tea sometime, and sit under the trees and watch the leaves fall and feel the wind in our hair…

Yours very truly, Girl