Little, Homemade Books

My dad is still recovering from a horrendous spinal infection he unfortunately contracted in 2008. We thought he was going to die when he spent two weeks in the ICU. He remained a quadrepaligic for almost 6 months. I made him a sweet little book to help him smile while he was in rehab.
This project is fairly easy and takes a little time to sew together. I checked out a book from the library about making handmade books and fell in love with this design. It looks like a “star” when open.
The materials you will need are:
Pictures of your choice    Ruler    Card stock paper    Cardboard
Decorative Paper for the Back and Cover    Ribbon    Grommets
Glitter    Glue   Scissors    Sewing Machine    Thread

She Came Out of the Closet

Early Century Dos Chicas circa 2007–Little sweet purse made an appearance out in the world today for the first time in god-knows-when. She was warmly receipted.

A custom order came out of the venture! Huzzah! or however you spell it… 🙂

Shoulder purse with Sacred Heart
’cause that Catholic stuff is still in me. 

The Hamms will love her Buddha. What am I talking about??